Monday, February 22, 2010


I calculate my seasons based on amount of sunlight rather than temperature. I blame my ancestry, who mostly come from areas further north than where I currently reside, and the fact that my mood and outlook are affected by the amount of daylight. For me, the equinoxes and solstices mark the midpoint, rather than the start, of the seasons, as indicated on most modern calendars. Thus, Spring begins in February, Summer in May, Autumn in August and Winter in November.

By this reckoning, we are well into Spring, and I've been responding with the usual Spring activities. I've started my garden: already tiny green miracles are growing in my basement, some almost ready to come out of the green house. I've started spring cleaning, and have a general plan for this year's cleaning and organizing projects. I haven't changed my household decorations yet, but am planning to do so soon, probably this weekend. Although the snowflakes in my windows are still appropriate given the amount of snow still on the ground.

But most importantly, in the spririt of Spring, which for me represents new beginnings and rebirth, I've been thinking and planning my own reawakening. Namely in career and personal growth. I'm considering going back to school. I'm considering moving out of human resources, or at least broadening my experience so that I can come back to HR with new perspectives. In short, I'm snuggled under the blanket of snow planning my remergence and dreaming of possibilities.

Such is the power of Spring.

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