Personally, I practice a philosophy of constant self improvement, and to do that I use the "today is the first day of the rest of your life" approach. In other words, I make constant action plans and put them into effect immediately, rather than waiting for a significant date or time to begin.
I actually put the items I'm currently considering my "New Year's Resolutions" into action in December. I went to the doctor at the beginning of the month, and found out that my health was not as good as it could be. Since I had pretty much gone off my exercise routine, and was slowly slipping in my diet, it wasn't really a surprise, but it was enough of a shock to scare me back into an exercise and diet plan.
So, my resolutions for 2013:
- Regular exercise. Let's say 4 days a week minimum with the real goal being 6 days a week. My usual favorites are running, Pilates and belly dance.
- Better diet. Because of my personal health issues I keep a low carb/low glycemic index diet. As I mentioned, I've been slipping a bit, enjoying things like crackers and cheese and soda at lunch. My current plan is to try to keep my carb intake to under 150 each day.
- Finish the Knitter's Almanac project. I'm working on July at the moment, and am optimistic that the second half of the book can be completed by the end of 2013.
- Transparency. I'm of the opinion that no one needs to know the details of my every workout or every meal, but I also know that openly committing to goals and telling others about them and your progress is a good way to achieve them. One very good suggestion I saw a few years ago suggested treating the resolution process the way businesses treat their business goals: resolutions could be made and reviewed for success at the beginning of each quarter. While I don't think we should run our lives like a business, I do like the idea of reviewing how things are going from time to time, and committing to a quarterly update to honestly assess my progress seems reasonable.
Happy New Year; may this year be the best year yet.
As a "stockholder," I'll be looking forward to your quarterly updates, hoping for your long-term success that will benefit all of us around you!